Wednesday 2 July 2008

Unleashing the sporting potential our country has to offer

Well, its that time of year again and the Wimbledon Tennis is upon us. It’ll no doubt be another year of expectation heightened by the PR machines and then dashed by our seemingly innate inability to play tennis consistently at the highest level, despite the millions of pounds spent on developing tennis in the UK.

My feeling is that despite the amount of money being pumped into the sport, the main factor that is not being addressed adequately, is that this is a typically middle class, white sport. Until we can attract a broader mix of players at young age who are hungry to ‘get out of the ghettos’, we will never unleash the potential that this country undoubtedly has in its lockers. Come on the LTA, lets give free tennis courts and lessons to our under privileged kids and those kids who’s parent earn under a certain income and can’t afford to go to the fancy tennis clubs. Lets get the PR machine to look for our ‘Tiger Woods’ and lets try and make this great sport truly open to all.

The young player Murray is obviously our great hope and injuries apart will helpfully give us something to cheer this year. As many of my friends are Scottish, I’m well aware that he’ll be British if he wins and Scottish if he doesn’t! Good Luck Andy!

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